2025 U.S. Grant Pilgrimage
Boy Scout Camping

Reservations are now open for tent camping at the Apple River Fort on the nights of Friday, April 25th & Saturday, April 26th! 

Camping is open to Boy Scout troops and space is limited. To download the camping informational packet and registration forms, click HERE. Please fill out all forms completely and return by Friday, April 18th

Send completed forms to the Apple River Fort

by mail:                                                                    by email:

                                             Apple River Fort SHS                                           info@appleriverfort.org

                                  311 East Myrtle Street, PO Box 206

                                               Elizabeth, IL 61028

Reservations & cancellations eligible for refunds are due by Friday, April 18th. Cancellations after deadline are eligible for a partial refund only. No refunds after check-in. Please keep a copy of all forms for your records!

Camping FAQ

How much does it cost? Are there any additional fees?

Camping is $10 per person. This covers the entire weekend. Should your troop incur any damages to the site, a $50 fee will be charged towards repairs.

What is your cancellation / refund policy?

Cancellations eligible for a full refund are due by Friday, April 21st. Late cancellations, early departures, or no-shows are eligible for a partial refund. The Apple River Fort will retain 10% to help cover portapotties, trash removal, etc.

What kind of camping is allowed?

Only tent camping is allowed, no large campers or RVs.

What time is check-in and check-out?

Check-in is no sooner than 1 pm on Friday, April 25th. Checkout is no later than 1 pm on Sunday, April 27th.

Are camp fires / stoves / etc. allowed?

Above-ground stoves and fire grates are allowed. Anyone starting a fire is responsible for providing all materials for building, controlling, and extinguishing the fire.

Where is parking available?

Parking is available at the Interpretive Center parking lot (paved, 1/4 mile from campsite), the gravel lot behind the site's maintenance building, and on the grass alongside your campsite. Blocking any roads is prohibited and vehicles may be towed.

What amenities are available?

Portapotties are provided in a relatively central location. Potable water is available by hose near the Fort's palisade gate. No showers are available. No electricity is available.

Where is check-in?

Please check in with a member of Fort staff at the Interpretive Center (at the intersection of Route 20 and East Myrtle Street). The troop leader or another adult (whoever arrives first) will check-in for the entire troop, which may include filling in any missing forms, making final payments towards camping fees, etc. There will also be free trash bags, site and event info, etc. available.

Where can we get food in Elizabeth, IL?

There are several food options in Elizabeth, which includes: Old Jug's Main Street Tap, E Town Coffee Company, Small Town Saloon/Dooley's, Lola's Deli, and the Three Sisters Sweet Shop. Please check their websites for menus and hours of operation. Groceries may be purchased at the Dollar General at the edge of town.